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VBA Web Scraping Selenium (google Chrome) – English

VBA Web Scraping Selenium (google Chrome) – English

Scrape websites on google chrome or any other browser using selenium library in VBA

Created by Ajay Parmar

Material Includes

  • Supported files for you to download is available

Course Description

You shall learn below written things. Please go through them.

  • We are going to learn Webscraping using google chrome and it will be done using selenium library.
  • Learn how to download selenium and browser drivers to first initially do the setup.
  • How work with attributes like name, id using findelement methods.
  • How to work with tags like A tag and its attribute href to click on the links.
  • How to use class attribute and is it a good approach to use class attribute.
  • how to work with Xpath to insert the data into textboxes and click on search buttons. Not just use but understand the structure of Xpath as well.
  • Learn how we can change the xpath elements by their indexes.
  • How to work with header tags like h1 or h2 or h3 using normal way and using xpath.
  • How to run the collection loops and why we need it and when we can avoid using collection loops.
  • What is difference between Web-element and Webelements and why we use set word for collection elements and not for single object.
  • How to click on links on webpage using link -text and partial link text property. Based on this knowledge one mini project -how to load website by default on current date.
  • How to scrape tables and its rows and rows data values and table headers.
  • Collection loops design and execution from very start while working with tables.
  • Do you like to export all tables in a website or do you want to scrape one specific table only, How to reach out to specific index of a table then.
  • How to scrape specific rows inside one specific table . Know your “tr’ tags.
  • How to scrape all data insider rows or just one specific data value using td tag. Its awesome when you have so much control.
  • How to export tables with out running collection loops and what is the difference between direct export and export using loops. You must know.
  • How to work with li tags inside unordered and ordered lists.
  • Know how to insert a value in drop down or combo-boxes .
  • How to select items in list box with single select property or multi select property.
  • Learn to select or de-select listbox options using collection loops or without the loops.
  • How to alter the collection elements by referring to one object and second inside the first one and so on.
  • Students will learn how to download the files
  • How to add or manage Cookies of a website and how to use it in a practical situation.
  • How to take screenshots and save those on desktop or export them in excel.
  • How to launch website new pages in a new window tabs.
  • Move from first window to second and so on. Challenges and more robust solutions to handle the window tabs.
  • You will see one of the real data based project which is super duper awesome from learning and getting confidence on webscraping.
  • We will see how to login to website and how to sort out captcha issues by simply letting code to wait for sometime till user enters captcha.
  • We will revise our learning in part1 as to how to practically use links using elementbyid, name or class attributes . Also, the best use of Xpath.
  • if page refreshes for a long time or uncertain , how to put a wait time.
  • You will see the use of magnificent loops and IF Conditions on this project . How smartly we have used the loops and IF Conditions and clicking on elements.
  • In this project you shall see how to fully control the website elements like drop downs or a tags from excel lists which are written on sheets.

Course Curriculum

Course Begins

  • How to Download Selenium and chrome driver exe files
  • Let us Launch the website and understand the concepts.
  • Work with ID attribute
  • Work with Name Attribute
  • Work with Atags hyperlinks
  • Work with Tables – HTML of Tables Behind coding – Part1
  • Work with Tables – Export every table data into excel -Part2
  • Work with Tables – Target the specific countries list from excel sheet – Part3
  • How to target specific td tags in a table – Superb Control – Part4
  • Target specific table among many and then target specific data -Part5
  • Work with Table specific rows -Part6
  • How to scrape a table in a reverse order – Part7
  • Learn how to handle Headers and Data in one code -Count property -Part8
  • How to start with Xpath
  • Use Xpath to export Tables -Part2
  • Xpath to refer to specific object by editing -Must know Part3
  • How to handle Headers tags along and with Xpath – H1,H2,H3 tags
  • Let us deal with dropdown now
  • Work with Partial Link text property- Click just by finding the text on website
  • Partial Link method – How to click website links even if you know few words.
  • Project for you- Load a website with today date page showing information
  • How to select item in a drop down -Select Webelement Class
  • Student Project is done here- More confident now
  • Work with ListBox – Single select property – Part1
  • Work with listbox which has multi-select property on – Part2
  • Work with Listbox -How to export list box selected or all values -Part3
  • Use Xpath with Variables too – An idea can help in projects
  • How to make Calendar pop ups disappear – Mouse Click
  • How to handle Cookies data
  • A big practical project begins – Simply incredible – Source of inspiration Part1
  • Project Continues – Part2 – From login to selecting Drop Down values
  • Project Continues – Part3 Handle A tags smartly – Logic is superb
  • Project Continues – Part4 – Select DropDown per page strategy
  • Project Continues – Part5 -Update Excel sheet with Status Done -Download files
  • Project Finished -Part6 – Testing by changing the values – You are a master now.
  • How to take window tabs of a Website
  • How to use collection loop to handle new window tabs
  • How to take screenshots of a website
899.00 2,500.00

VBA Web Scraping Selenium (google Chrome) – English

899.00 2,500.00

Material Includes

  • Supported files for you to download is available

Course Description

You shall learn below written things. Please go through them.

  • We are going to learn Webscraping using google chrome and it will be done using selenium library.
  • Learn how to download selenium and browser drivers to first initially do the setup.
  • How work with attributes like name, id using findelement methods.
  • How to work with tags like A tag and its attribute href to click on the links.
  • How to use class attribute and is it a good approach to use class attribute.
  • how to work with Xpath to insert the data into textboxes and click on search buttons. Not just use but understand the structure of Xpath as well.
  • Learn how we can change the xpath elements by their indexes.
  • How to work with header tags like h1 or h2 or h3 using normal way and using xpath.
  • How to run the collection loops and why we need it and when we can avoid using collection loops.
  • What is difference between Web-element and Webelements and why we use set word for collection elements and not for single object.
  • How to click on links on webpage using link -text and partial link text property. Based on this knowledge one mini project -how to load website by default on current date.
  • How to scrape tables and its rows and rows data values and table headers.
  • Collection loops design and execution from very start while working with tables.
  • Do you like to export all tables in a website or do you want to scrape one specific table only, How to reach out to specific index of a table then.
  • How to scrape specific rows inside one specific table . Know your “tr’ tags.
  • How to scrape all data insider rows or just one specific data value using td tag. Its awesome when you have so much control.
  • How to export tables with out running collection loops and what is the difference between direct export and export using loops. You must know.
  • How to work with li tags inside unordered and ordered lists.
  • Know how to insert a value in drop down or combo-boxes .
  • How to select items in list box with single select property or multi select property.
  • Learn to select or de-select listbox options using collection loops or without the loops.
  • How to alter the collection elements by referring to one object and second inside the first one and so on.
  • Students will learn how to download the files
  • How to add or manage Cookies of a website and how to use it in a practical situation.
  • How to take screenshots and save those on desktop or export them in excel.
  • How to launch website new pages in a new window tabs.
  • Move from first window to second and so on. Challenges and more robust solutions to handle the window tabs.
  • You will see one of the real data based project which is super duper awesome from learning and getting confidence on webscraping.
  • We will see how to login to website and how to sort out captcha issues by simply letting code to wait for sometime till user enters captcha.
  • We will revise our learning in part1 as to how to practically use links using elementbyid, name or class attributes . Also, the best use of Xpath.
  • if page refreshes for a long time or uncertain , how to put a wait time.
  • You will see the use of magnificent loops and IF Conditions on this project . How smartly we have used the loops and IF Conditions and clicking on elements.
  • In this project you shall see how to fully control the website elements like drop downs or a tags from excel lists which are written on sheets.

Course Curriculum

Course Begins

  • How to Download Selenium and chrome driver exe files
  • Let us Launch the website and understand the concepts.
  • Work with ID attribute
  • Work with Name Attribute
  • Work with Atags hyperlinks
  • Work with Tables – HTML of Tables Behind coding – Part1
  • Work with Tables – Export every table data into excel -Part2
  • Work with Tables – Target the specific countries list from excel sheet – Part3
  • How to target specific td tags in a table – Superb Control – Part4
  • Target specific table among many and then target specific data -Part5
  • Work with Table specific rows -Part6
  • How to scrape a table in a reverse order – Part7
  • Learn how to handle Headers and Data in one code -Count property -Part8
  • How to start with Xpath
  • Use Xpath to export Tables -Part2
  • Xpath to refer to specific object by editing -Must know Part3
  • How to handle Headers tags along and with Xpath – H1,H2,H3 tags
  • Let us deal with dropdown now
  • Work with Partial Link text property- Click just by finding the text on website
  • Partial Link method – How to click website links even if you know few words.
  • Project for you- Load a website with today date page showing information
  • How to select item in a drop down -Select Webelement Class
  • Student Project is done here- More confident now
  • Work with ListBox – Single select property – Part1
  • Work with listbox which has multi-select property on – Part2
  • Work with Listbox -How to export list box selected or all values -Part3
  • Use Xpath with Variables too – An idea can help in projects
  • How to make Calendar pop ups disappear – Mouse Click
  • How to handle Cookies data
  • A big practical project begins – Simply incredible – Source of inspiration Part1
  • Project Continues – Part2 – From login to selecting Drop Down values
  • Project Continues – Part3 Handle A tags smartly – Logic is superb
  • Project Continues – Part4 – Select DropDown per page strategy
  • Project Continues – Part5 -Update Excel sheet with Status Done -Download files
  • Project Finished -Part6 – Testing by changing the values – You are a master now.
  • How to take window tabs of a Website
  • How to use collection loop to handle new window tabs
  • How to take screenshots of a website