Python Data Analytics Part1 – English
Python Data Analytics Part1 – English
Python for Data Analysis using Panda library
Created by Ajay Parmar
Material Includes
- Coding files are attached for you to download & use.
Course Description
I will teach you Python on my favorite IDE – Pycharm however you can use any other IDLE ,If you wish to. It does not matter at all. Code works the same way.
- What are variables and data type used in Python
- Declare variables and function to know the data type
- How to use constructors and why do we need to learn them.
- Know in and not in operators, logical operators, comparison and arithmetic operators
- How to pick up the error descriptions and solve the errors using them
- How to use for loops and do loops and use them with IF statements
- How to use Nested IFs and how to take care of indentations – Very important concept
- What are functions in Python and how to create user defined functions
- Rules to know before creating a Function
- Scope of a variable – Local and Global concepts
- Deep dive into Lists and use of lists in Loops with IF Statements
- In detail learning about Tuples and use with Loops and every crucial method we should know.
- Strings data types and their accessing approach plus methods to handle data
- What are error handlers and how to use them.
- Introduction to a random module and where you can use it.
- Create a Guess a number game using Loops and lists
- Create a project to identify odd and even numbers
- Create a project to guess and number but this time user should be given 3 attempts
- Find out which game has won the highest medals using two lists.
- Print function with every small detail . Its parameters like Sep and end – how to use them
- F string advantage over normal text if you write in Print function
- How to call and import modules or its functions within the directory and outside the directory
- My assistance to your questions and replies
Course Curriculum
Let us start the Python
What are we going to learn and confusions in Students mind with regards to terms
30:40 -
Download Python on our system -First thing to do.
04:41 -
Download Pycharm – Best IDE for python
04:24 -
Get familiar with basic things in Pycharm
12:49 -
Font size and Theme of a Pycharm
03:57 -
What are Variables and their use?
21:14 -
More data types on Variables
10:12 -
Quiz on Variables
13:36 -
Rules to remember in naming Variables
09:10 -
Constructors- Data Conversion
21:59 -
Print function – Know everything
18:08 -
Introduction to Strings -How to access values
05:41 -
Strings-Access multiple Values now
06:15 -
Reverse method in Strings
13:22 -
Modify Reverse methods
05:41 -
Split method
03:00 -
Arithmetic Operators
12:13 -
Assignment Operators in Python
06:49 -
Comparison Operators
04:57 -
Logical Operators
06:13 -
Behmas Rule – Which comes first – divide or addition or multiplication
05:23 -
Deep dive into INPUT Function
09:21 -
IF statements begins
09:38 -
Quiz for you to do – Guess a Number
03:46 -
IF and ELIF – Tackle multiple scenarios
11:01 -
Different approaches to use in IF statements
09:27 -
Nested IFs in Python
22:11 -
For Loops Begins
12:00 -
Project Guess a number using Loops
21:29 -
While Loops
27:24 -
Nested Loops- Concept we will use in projects
12:46 -
Introduction to Lists
10:06 -
Change values of Lists
08:21 -
Add values in Lists
01:30 -
Append method in Lists
02:10 -
Move method in Lists
08:33 -
For Loops in Lists
05:30 -
While Loops in Lists
06:18 -
Project for you – Get Even and Odd numbers
06:27 -
Project – Get names using two Lists
10:15 -
In and Not in Operators
03:20 -
Quiz -Letter containing specific character
07:44 -
Project – Who won highest medals
19:48 -
Write IF in one line
03:01 -
Sorting in Lists
04:35 -
Join and Reverse methods in Lists
06:55 -
Zip function in Loops – Awesome
09:00 -
What are Tuples – Let us begin
10:29 -
Change values in Tuple
11:09 -
Add values in Tuple
03:08 -
Remove method in Tuple
03:14 -
Index and Count methods
07:07 -
Error handling in Python
10:10 -
List and Tuple – Common and Differences – Summarizing
04:19 -
Project – Win a Lottery – Random module intro
16:26 -
User Defined Function and how to write it
23:03 -
Project for you
10:52 -
Know more about Functions – Types
10:35 -
Passing endless parameters to a function
10:37 -
Project – Find tripletts combinations which sums up to a 1
45:22 -
Scope of a Variable – Local and Global
16:19 -
Example to explain more on Scope of a Variable
07:31 -
Introducing Dictionary – Definition
06:05 -
Access keys and values
03:34 -
How to change values
08:49 -
IN and Not IN
02:51 -
Remove, delete and Clear methods
06:55 -
Project – Encrypt Decrypt Messages – Super Knowlege
22:08 -
Project Continues – Variables importance now
08:09 -
Finishing the Project with Decrypt code
LevelAll Levels
Total Enrolled152
Duration13 hours
Last UpdatedJuly 25, 2023
Hi, Welcome back!
Python Data Analytics Part1 – English
LevelAll Levels
Total Enrolled152
Duration13 hours
Last UpdatedJuly 25, 2023
Material Includes
- Coding files are attached for you to download & use.
Course Description
I will teach you Python on my favorite IDE – Pycharm however you can use any other IDLE ,If you wish to. It does not matter at all. Code works the same way.
- What are variables and data type used in Python
- Declare variables and function to know the data type
- How to use constructors and why do we need to learn them.
- Know in and not in operators, logical operators, comparison and arithmetic operators
- How to pick up the error descriptions and solve the errors using them
- How to use for loops and do loops and use them with IF statements
- How to use Nested IFs and how to take care of indentations – Very important concept
- What are functions in Python and how to create user defined functions
- Rules to know before creating a Function
- Scope of a variable – Local and Global concepts
- Deep dive into Lists and use of lists in Loops with IF Statements
- In detail learning about Tuples and use with Loops and every crucial method we should know.
- Strings data types and their accessing approach plus methods to handle data
- What are error handlers and how to use them.
- Introduction to a random module and where you can use it.
- Create a Guess a number game using Loops and lists
- Create a project to identify odd and even numbers
- Create a project to guess and number but this time user should be given 3 attempts
- Find out which game has won the highest medals using two lists.
- Print function with every small detail . Its parameters like Sep and end – how to use them
- F string advantage over normal text if you write in Print function
- How to call and import modules or its functions within the directory and outside the directory
- My assistance to your questions and replies
Course Curriculum
Let us start the Python
What are we going to learn and confusions in Students mind with regards to terms
30:40 -
Download Python on our system -First thing to do.
04:41 -
Download Pycharm – Best IDE for python
04:24 -
Get familiar with basic things in Pycharm
12:49 -
Font size and Theme of a Pycharm
03:57 -
What are Variables and their use?
21:14 -
More data types on Variables
10:12 -
Quiz on Variables
13:36 -
Rules to remember in naming Variables
09:10 -
Constructors- Data Conversion
21:59 -
Print function – Know everything
18:08 -
Introduction to Strings -How to access values
05:41 -
Strings-Access multiple Values now
06:15 -
Reverse method in Strings
13:22 -
Modify Reverse methods
05:41 -
Split method
03:00 -
Arithmetic Operators
12:13 -
Assignment Operators in Python
06:49 -
Comparison Operators
04:57 -
Logical Operators
06:13 -
Behmas Rule – Which comes first – divide or addition or multiplication
05:23 -
Deep dive into INPUT Function
09:21 -
IF statements begins
09:38 -
Quiz for you to do – Guess a Number
03:46 -
IF and ELIF – Tackle multiple scenarios
11:01 -
Different approaches to use in IF statements
09:27 -
Nested IFs in Python
22:11 -
For Loops Begins
12:00 -
Project Guess a number using Loops
21:29 -
While Loops
27:24 -
Nested Loops- Concept we will use in projects
12:46 -
Introduction to Lists
10:06 -
Change values of Lists
08:21 -
Add values in Lists
01:30 -
Append method in Lists
02:10 -
Move method in Lists
08:33 -
For Loops in Lists
05:30 -
While Loops in Lists
06:18 -
Project for you – Get Even and Odd numbers
06:27 -
Project – Get names using two Lists
10:15 -
In and Not in Operators
03:20 -
Quiz -Letter containing specific character
07:44 -
Project – Who won highest medals
19:48 -
Write IF in one line
03:01 -
Sorting in Lists
04:35 -
Join and Reverse methods in Lists
06:55 -
Zip function in Loops – Awesome
09:00 -
What are Tuples – Let us begin
10:29 -
Change values in Tuple
11:09 -
Add values in Tuple
03:08 -
Remove method in Tuple
03:14 -
Index and Count methods
07:07 -
Error handling in Python
10:10 -
List and Tuple – Common and Differences – Summarizing
04:19 -
Project – Win a Lottery – Random module intro
16:26 -
User Defined Function and how to write it
23:03 -
Project for you
10:52 -
Know more about Functions – Types
10:35 -
Passing endless parameters to a function
10:37 -
Project – Find tripletts combinations which sums up to a 1
45:22 -
Scope of a Variable – Local and Global
16:19 -
Example to explain more on Scope of a Variable
07:31 -
Introducing Dictionary – Definition
06:05 -
Access keys and values
03:34 -
How to change values
08:49 -
IN and Not IN
02:51 -
Remove, delete and Clear methods
06:55 -
Project – Encrypt Decrypt Messages – Super Knowlege
22:08 -
Project Continues – Variables importance now
08:09 -
Finishing the Project with Decrypt code