MS Access VBA (Basic To Advance) – Hindi
MS Access VBA (Basic To Advance) – Hindi
Access VBA Programming for Database learning includes SQL
Created by Ajay Parmar
Material Includes
- Lectures Files and HD video lectures with lifetime access on website.
Course Description
- What is access vba editor window. Where do we go and write our vba code in ms access database.
- Know your modules, project explorers , property windows, renaming modules and sub routine names.
- Types of variables, their data-types like byte, integer, single, double, string and variants.
- What happens if you give numeric values to string data type or vice versa.
- Know your over flow error and why type mismatch error can come.
- Know scope of a variables which means how long they exist in memory. Local Level, Module level and public level variables.
- Learn the use of Call keyword and how we can carry forward the variable values from one macro to another.
- What questions can be asked in your interview related to access vba variables.
- Use of Option explicit and why it is important. Its amazing.
- How to run the VBA codes when you debug or do the testing of code.
- What is a record-set and how do we define it.
- How we use recordsets with loops.
- Let us discuss loops from zero level and explore everything about them in detail. Know for next and do while loop in detail.
- Learn how to run loop inside another loop which we call it as sub loops.
- Loop your access tables from first row to last row or last row to first row by knowing everything about loops used in recordsets.
- how to pick up values from last record if your data has many repeated IDs. Mini project shared in this -idea taken from my live project.
- Discussion on practical projects to make you understand how loops and record-sets work together. It is a complete discussion from basic to advance level. We have covered everything for a access developer for a great beginning.
- This tutorial is meant for those who knows the use of Variable in programming and how to loop through the record-sets in access vba. If are not aware of these things then kindly first go and learn these subjects. You can enroll for series 1 which is my first series in the Access VBA training.
- In this tutorial, we are talking about the basics of Arrays – what are the arrays – why we use them and how we use them in practical life.
- What is option base1 .What questions can be asked in your interview related to that.
- How to loop through the arrays. How to use lbound and ubound functions in arrays. Why are they used and what is their advantage.
- What is redim and need of using it. What is preserve statement in Arrays and its advantage.
- I have shared an interesting project as well with you .
- After Arrays, we are talking about Access vba inbuilt functions along-with UDFs. (user defined functions).
- You can create your own functions as well in vba to make things simpler. Let us start it now. Happy learning.
- We are learning the SQL syntax’s . How do we write select ,update,delete ,make table, insert into queries. Not just that , but also while writing the queries what important things we need to take care of . for eg weather to use single quotes or double quotes or both depending you using interger or string data type. Lot of interesting things are going on in these sessions. Enough to make you a great access user-form programmer.
- We will go and take a deep dive into access user-forms where i will teach you all the important form controls like list-boxes,combo-box,text-box labels option buttons check box . It is a complete tutorial starting from scratch. Its a long training and you will not just learn the how to design form controls , what are their properties
- UserForm control events – how they run and we need to program
- many good examples taken from real access projects to give you a confidence.its not jsut a learning about topics but also in real life we use them.
- How to create Login page and protect the database preventing it not to access by invalid users. Step by step tutorial for you.
- A real ms access reporting project which revises everything we have done so far.
- We are talking about Error Handlers – if error comes then how we can customize them or by pass them and get code run successfully.
- We are also talking about message boxes and input boxes- from their basics to real use in coding life.
- Most important topic is how to handle files and folders . How to get inside folders of your choice and pick the files which you can move or copy in other folders or even import in access in one table or different -different tables depending how many files you have got.
- learn also how to run access macros in vba and also how to display file dialog – again from learning them to their real use in practical life
- how to create new folders or how to ignore them if they exist. Related to folders and files we are going to learn so much in this tutorial
- if you have any questions or need my assistance in making your projects – you are most welcome
- Learn how to work with recordsets using ADODB Library. This is my first time I am sharing the ADODB library. My all previous series were on DAO.
- Not just ADODB methodology but side by side we are also making the code in DAO so that we can a good comparisons
- Talking about connections strings you go and use when you work with other ACCCESS Database which is on your computer or may be on server.
- Types of DAO recordset cursor types like dbforward only, dbsnapshot only, dbdynamic etc
- Also how to set up the security set up and create a login page for users.
- How to connect access db with another database on the same system
- How to connect access db with database which is on server. Like sql server or ms access etc.
- What is a connection string and where we can have it if we want to connect front end access with other databases.
- How to set up the security set up in MS Access using by pass key.
- How to allow users to see limited data by giving them read-write only.
Course Curriculum
Let us start
Intro to VBA Editor and Variables
01:35:49 -
Loops and recordsets Part1
01:32:46 -
Loops and recordsets Part2
01:35:37 -
Loops and recordsets Part3
52:12 -
Loops and recordsets Part4
30:07 -
Arrays Part1
39:09 -
Arrays Part2
01:12:22 -
UserForms with SQL Part1
01:11:23 -
UserForms with SQL Part2
01:49:47 -
UserForms with SQL Part3
01:49:02 -
UserForms with SQL Part4
09:03 -
UDF Functions Introduction
01:31:50 -
Function – More insight
01:01:54 -
Functions with Error handlers
01:28:55 -
Input and message boxes
01:57:35 -
File Folders &n File Dialogs
01:31:09 -
Collection Loops
01:48:11 -
Connecting Outlook Part1
01:09:42 -
Connecting Outlook Part2
01:09:39 -
ADO Library for connections
LevelAll Levels
Total Enrolled77
Duration20 hours
Last UpdatedFebruary 7, 2023
Hi, Welcome back!
MS Access VBA (Basic To Advance) – Hindi
LevelAll Levels
Total Enrolled77
Duration20 hours
Last UpdatedFebruary 7, 2023
Material Includes
- Lectures Files and HD video lectures with lifetime access on website.
Course Description
- What is access vba editor window. Where do we go and write our vba code in ms access database.
- Know your modules, project explorers , property windows, renaming modules and sub routine names.
- Types of variables, their data-types like byte, integer, single, double, string and variants.
- What happens if you give numeric values to string data type or vice versa.
- Know your over flow error and why type mismatch error can come.
- Know scope of a variables which means how long they exist in memory. Local Level, Module level and public level variables.
- Learn the use of Call keyword and how we can carry forward the variable values from one macro to another.
- What questions can be asked in your interview related to access vba variables.
- Use of Option explicit and why it is important. Its amazing.
- How to run the VBA codes when you debug or do the testing of code.
- What is a record-set and how do we define it.
- How we use recordsets with loops.
- Let us discuss loops from zero level and explore everything about them in detail. Know for next and do while loop in detail.
- Learn how to run loop inside another loop which we call it as sub loops.
- Loop your access tables from first row to last row or last row to first row by knowing everything about loops used in recordsets.
- how to pick up values from last record if your data has many repeated IDs. Mini project shared in this -idea taken from my live project.
- Discussion on practical projects to make you understand how loops and record-sets work together. It is a complete discussion from basic to advance level. We have covered everything for a access developer for a great beginning.
- This tutorial is meant for those who knows the use of Variable in programming and how to loop through the record-sets in access vba. If are not aware of these things then kindly first go and learn these subjects. You can enroll for series 1 which is my first series in the Access VBA training.
- In this tutorial, we are talking about the basics of Arrays – what are the arrays – why we use them and how we use them in practical life.
- What is option base1 .What questions can be asked in your interview related to that.
- How to loop through the arrays. How to use lbound and ubound functions in arrays. Why are they used and what is their advantage.
- What is redim and need of using it. What is preserve statement in Arrays and its advantage.
- I have shared an interesting project as well with you .
- After Arrays, we are talking about Access vba inbuilt functions along-with UDFs. (user defined functions).
- You can create your own functions as well in vba to make things simpler. Let us start it now. Happy learning.
- We are learning the SQL syntax’s . How do we write select ,update,delete ,make table, insert into queries. Not just that , but also while writing the queries what important things we need to take care of . for eg weather to use single quotes or double quotes or both depending you using interger or string data type. Lot of interesting things are going on in these sessions. Enough to make you a great access user-form programmer.
- We will go and take a deep dive into access user-forms where i will teach you all the important form controls like list-boxes,combo-box,text-box labels option buttons check box . It is a complete tutorial starting from scratch. Its a long training and you will not just learn the how to design form controls , what are their properties
- UserForm control events – how they run and we need to program
- many good examples taken from real access projects to give you a confidence.its not jsut a learning about topics but also in real life we use them.
- How to create Login page and protect the database preventing it not to access by invalid users. Step by step tutorial for you.
- A real ms access reporting project which revises everything we have done so far.
- We are talking about Error Handlers – if error comes then how we can customize them or by pass them and get code run successfully.
- We are also talking about message boxes and input boxes- from their basics to real use in coding life.
- Most important topic is how to handle files and folders . How to get inside folders of your choice and pick the files which you can move or copy in other folders or even import in access in one table or different -different tables depending how many files you have got.
- learn also how to run access macros in vba and also how to display file dialog – again from learning them to their real use in practical life
- how to create new folders or how to ignore them if they exist. Related to folders and files we are going to learn so much in this tutorial
- if you have any questions or need my assistance in making your projects – you are most welcome
- Learn how to work with recordsets using ADODB Library. This is my first time I am sharing the ADODB library. My all previous series were on DAO.
- Not just ADODB methodology but side by side we are also making the code in DAO so that we can a good comparisons
- Talking about connections strings you go and use when you work with other ACCCESS Database which is on your computer or may be on server.
- Types of DAO recordset cursor types like dbforward only, dbsnapshot only, dbdynamic etc
- Also how to set up the security set up and create a login page for users.
- How to connect access db with another database on the same system
- How to connect access db with database which is on server. Like sql server or ms access etc.
- What is a connection string and where we can have it if we want to connect front end access with other databases.
- How to set up the security set up in MS Access using by pass key.
- How to allow users to see limited data by giving them read-write only.
Course Curriculum
Let us start
Intro to VBA Editor and Variables
01:35:49 -
Loops and recordsets Part1
01:32:46 -
Loops and recordsets Part2
01:35:37 -
Loops and recordsets Part3
52:12 -
Loops and recordsets Part4
30:07 -
Arrays Part1
39:09 -
Arrays Part2
01:12:22 -
UserForms with SQL Part1
01:11:23 -
UserForms with SQL Part2
01:49:47 -
UserForms with SQL Part3
01:49:02 -
UserForms with SQL Part4
09:03 -
UDF Functions Introduction
01:31:50 -
Function – More insight
01:01:54 -
Functions with Error handlers
01:28:55 -
Input and message boxes
01:57:35 -
File Folders &n File Dialogs
01:31:09 -
Collection Loops
01:48:11 -
Connecting Outlook Part1
01:09:42 -
Connecting Outlook Part2
01:09:39 -
ADO Library for connections