M Code Powerquery (Basic to Advance)-English
M Code Powerquery (Basic to Advance)-English
Do the Data Transformation like a PRO - M code programming
Created by Ajay Parmar
Material Includes
- Supporting Files are attached.
Course Description
- This course is an attempt to make you awesome in using M code in PowerQuery
- It is for those students who are familiar with PowerQuery front part .
- What is M code in PowerQuery
- How to use M code or functions in PowerQuery
- How to change or modify M code in PowerQuery
- What are Table functions and their basics plus real use in life
- What are the list objects – from basic to advance use
- What the records – From basics to advance
- Several mixed projects for your revision at the end plus more knowledge on M functions
- This course will make you fundamentally awesome in PowerQuery M code and you can go beyond normal user capabilities to change and modify the data. the way you want.
- Files are downloadable and Online help is available from me, in case you have doubts.
- We are talking about inbuilt M functions which are very important in data development like related to dates, lists.
- We are learning about user defined functions (UDFs). Why and how we can create our own M functions and achieve amazing results in seconds without doing too much work.
- Discussion on IF functions is discussed in detail .
- How we can handle the errors using try and catch.
- We are learning the important date functions in Mcode which helps us to work with dates in any format. We can add days,months, quaters to dates.
- We can extract the month, day, year , day of a week using M code date functions.
- We can find out the dates falling within a year or month or today date and many more other things.
- DateAddDays, DateAddmonth, DateAddQtr, EoMonth, DateIsincurrentmonth etc important functions are covered in detail.
- We are discussing about List functions like List Date, List union, List Intersect, List Difference with many practical examples.
- How to find out the matching results in more than one tables .
- How to union common items in more than one table.
- How to find out the non matches in more than one table.
- Real Projects showing the importance of List functions mentioned above.
- How to use FIND, LEFT, RIGHT, MID Functions in M code .
- How to use them in practical situation.
- How to check if string has contain a specific word.
- How to reverse the strings characters using M code Text reverse.
- How to insert characters repeatedly into a string.
- How to remove text from a string.
- How to find out the length of string.
- Convert to lower case or upper case.
- How to remove spaces from left or right or all spaces from a string.
- How to create a function which has multiple parameters and with that powerquery can change the data. It is a very big project.
- Introducing the list generate function in M code.
- What is a list generate function and how its parameters work
- What is the initial parameter, what is the conditional parameter and execution parameter?
- How to use list generate function using two variables or even more than two variables and how to know the number of variables we have to use.
- We have started from a beginning and have tried to explain the Concept of this function is clear step by step.
- There is a 4th hidden parameter which students never see and in fact , even they know they don’t know how to use it and what is the use of same.
- What is the role of an optional parameter in list generate function and how does it work.
- How to know where do we use square brackets , commas especially in a code where it is using data.
- How to convert list generate into a function which takes inputs and then connect it with the real data
- Table sort function in real data
- Table select column function
- Table select rows function
- How to combine two columns in a sequence using Mcode interface.
- How to approach a problem – with function and without function – which one is better
Course Curriculum
Let us Begin M code
Introduction to Mash Up (M code)
44:00 -
Know more about M code language
16:34 -
Edit the PQ directly without adding new steps
15:58 -
Table Functions
42:19 -
Amazing List Introductions – Why and how we use them
01:13:07 -
Surprise Test for you on List – Can you do it?
25:34 -
Time to see magical Record objects
25:03 -
Example of Record in practical life
19:05 -
Second real example of using Records
16:03 -
Project for you – Authors Book alignment Challenge
07:41 -
Tough Project Challenge for us – Headers are different
01:05:12 -
PQ ribbon first and then use it in M code -Smart way of Writing IFs
15:40 -
How to link values from different rows Your Question my solution
23:43 -
Introduction to IF FUNCTIONS
07:03 -
IF Functions Part2
11:09 -
IF Functions Part3
09:13 -
User-defined Functions – Create own functions – How and Why
26:43 -
User-defined Functions – Create own functions – How and Why – part2
17:24 -
User-defined Functions – Part3
49:03 -
Error handlers
27:47 -
A project for you- Top3 Salaries
10:26 -
Super Project for you – Avoid irrelevant rows Example1
22:09 -
A project for you- How to avoid specific rows – its awesome
36:48 -
Get Percentage of each column field- List functions use in a great Style
10:45 -
A project for you- Create Ranking for each of the category – So much learning
08:52 -
A project for you- Reverse and get the unique Author Books – Simple awesome
15:49 -
Basic Date functions we must know Extraction and Conversions
20:41 -
A quiz on date handling for you. Its fantastic
20:43 -
Student question is answered with a new solution – more robust
11:01 -
Let us start with important Date functions
13:06 -
My favorite List Date function
25:14 -
How to combine two or more table values using List Union Function
12:02 -
How to use List Intersect function – Fundamentals and Example
03:54 -
An amazing project for you on List Union Function
18:04 -
Know your List Difference function and upskill your talent
25:25 -
Your Question solved
06:09 -
Calculate cumulative totals using List Sum and List Range functions
14:01 -
Your Project is solved here – its awesome – Linking data with excel cells
01:15:24 -
How to use Left function TextStart in Powerquery
14:25 -
How to use Right Function TextEnd
04:38 -
How to use MID and FIND Functions in M code
15:17 -
How to find if a value contains specific string and how to reverse the string
09:13 -
How to add a value and remove a value from a string or table
16:26 -
Your question on Removing more than one value in any string. A great Learning
08:11 -
One more practical example for you on TEXT Functions. If you can do it?
12:38 -
7 short but very useful TEXT Functions
15:40 -
Student question solved – How to split year and status
24:44 -
One more project – Your question my solution- Find Last record of duplicate IDs
10:01 -
Your question Solved- Get top 2 Sales from each Category
11:55 -
List Generate Part1
11:24 -
List Generate Part2
01:54 -
List Generate Using Variables Part3
10:59 -
Using Variables Part4
13:12 -
optional parameters in list generate
11:48 -
Replace Find project using list generate
15:05 -
Behind the scenes – how it works
43:38 -
Replace all Values
22:42 -
Convert code into a function
16:19 -
Finishing the Project
12:10 -
Issue that may still be found
11:53 -
Project – Join every two columns – List Generate example
LevelAll Levels
Total Enrolled137
Duration21 hours
Last UpdatedApril 17, 2024
Hi, Welcome back!
M Code Powerquery (Basic to Advance)-English
LevelAll Levels
Total Enrolled137
Duration21 hours
Last UpdatedApril 17, 2024
Material Includes
- Supporting Files are attached.
Course Description
- This course is an attempt to make you awesome in using M code in PowerQuery
- It is for those students who are familiar with PowerQuery front part .
- What is M code in PowerQuery
- How to use M code or functions in PowerQuery
- How to change or modify M code in PowerQuery
- What are Table functions and their basics plus real use in life
- What are the list objects – from basic to advance use
- What the records – From basics to advance
- Several mixed projects for your revision at the end plus more knowledge on M functions
- This course will make you fundamentally awesome in PowerQuery M code and you can go beyond normal user capabilities to change and modify the data. the way you want.
- Files are downloadable and Online help is available from me, in case you have doubts.
- We are talking about inbuilt M functions which are very important in data development like related to dates, lists.
- We are learning about user defined functions (UDFs). Why and how we can create our own M functions and achieve amazing results in seconds without doing too much work.
- Discussion on IF functions is discussed in detail .
- How we can handle the errors using try and catch.
- We are learning the important date functions in Mcode which helps us to work with dates in any format. We can add days,months, quaters to dates.
- We can extract the month, day, year , day of a week using M code date functions.
- We can find out the dates falling within a year or month or today date and many more other things.
- DateAddDays, DateAddmonth, DateAddQtr, EoMonth, DateIsincurrentmonth etc important functions are covered in detail.
- We are discussing about List functions like List Date, List union, List Intersect, List Difference with many practical examples.
- How to find out the matching results in more than one tables .
- How to union common items in more than one table.
- How to find out the non matches in more than one table.
- Real Projects showing the importance of List functions mentioned above.
- How to use FIND, LEFT, RIGHT, MID Functions in M code .
- How to use them in practical situation.
- How to check if string has contain a specific word.
- How to reverse the strings characters using M code Text reverse.
- How to insert characters repeatedly into a string.
- How to remove text from a string.
- How to find out the length of string.
- Convert to lower case or upper case.
- How to remove spaces from left or right or all spaces from a string.
- How to create a function which has multiple parameters and with that powerquery can change the data. It is a very big project.
- Introducing the list generate function in M code.
- What is a list generate function and how its parameters work
- What is the initial parameter, what is the conditional parameter and execution parameter?
- How to use list generate function using two variables or even more than two variables and how to know the number of variables we have to use.
- We have started from a beginning and have tried to explain the Concept of this function is clear step by step.
- There is a 4th hidden parameter which students never see and in fact , even they know they don’t know how to use it and what is the use of same.
- What is the role of an optional parameter in list generate function and how does it work.
- How to know where do we use square brackets , commas especially in a code where it is using data.
- How to convert list generate into a function which takes inputs and then connect it with the real data
- Table sort function in real data
- Table select column function
- Table select rows function
- How to combine two columns in a sequence using Mcode interface.
- How to approach a problem – with function and without function – which one is better
Course Curriculum
Let us Begin M code
Introduction to Mash Up (M code)
44:00 -
Know more about M code language
16:34 -
Edit the PQ directly without adding new steps
15:58 -
Table Functions
42:19 -
Amazing List Introductions – Why and how we use them
01:13:07 -
Surprise Test for you on List – Can you do it?
25:34 -
Time to see magical Record objects
25:03 -
Example of Record in practical life
19:05 -
Second real example of using Records
16:03 -
Project for you – Authors Book alignment Challenge
07:41 -
Tough Project Challenge for us – Headers are different
01:05:12 -
PQ ribbon first and then use it in M code -Smart way of Writing IFs
15:40 -
How to link values from different rows Your Question my solution
23:43 -
Introduction to IF FUNCTIONS
07:03 -
IF Functions Part2
11:09 -
IF Functions Part3
09:13 -
User-defined Functions – Create own functions – How and Why
26:43 -
User-defined Functions – Create own functions – How and Why – part2
17:24 -
User-defined Functions – Part3
49:03 -
Error handlers
27:47 -
A project for you- Top3 Salaries
10:26 -
Super Project for you – Avoid irrelevant rows Example1
22:09 -
A project for you- How to avoid specific rows – its awesome
36:48 -
Get Percentage of each column field- List functions use in a great Style
10:45 -
A project for you- Create Ranking for each of the category – So much learning
08:52 -
A project for you- Reverse and get the unique Author Books – Simple awesome
15:49 -
Basic Date functions we must know Extraction and Conversions
20:41 -
A quiz on date handling for you. Its fantastic
20:43 -
Student question is answered with a new solution – more robust
11:01 -
Let us start with important Date functions
13:06 -
My favorite List Date function
25:14 -
How to combine two or more table values using List Union Function
12:02 -
How to use List Intersect function – Fundamentals and Example
03:54 -
An amazing project for you on List Union Function
18:04 -
Know your List Difference function and upskill your talent
25:25 -
Your Question solved
06:09 -
Calculate cumulative totals using List Sum and List Range functions
14:01 -
Your Project is solved here – its awesome – Linking data with excel cells
01:15:24 -
How to use Left function TextStart in Powerquery
14:25 -
How to use Right Function TextEnd
04:38 -
How to use MID and FIND Functions in M code
15:17 -
How to find if a value contains specific string and how to reverse the string
09:13 -
How to add a value and remove a value from a string or table
16:26 -
Your question on Removing more than one value in any string. A great Learning
08:11 -
One more practical example for you on TEXT Functions. If you can do it?
12:38 -
7 short but very useful TEXT Functions
15:40 -
Student question solved – How to split year and status
24:44 -
One more project – Your question my solution- Find Last record of duplicate IDs
10:01 -
Your question Solved- Get top 2 Sales from each Category
11:55 -
List Generate Part1
11:24 -
List Generate Part2
01:54 -
List Generate Using Variables Part3
10:59 -
Using Variables Part4
13:12 -
optional parameters in list generate
11:48 -
Replace Find project using list generate
15:05 -
Behind the scenes – how it works
43:38 -
Replace all Values
22:42 -
Convert code into a function
16:19 -
Finishing the Project
12:10 -
Issue that may still be found
11:53 -
Project – Join every two columns – List Generate example